Massacre at Mountain Meadows

The unfortunate outplay of these lives are mastered in this book, not only showing how it was set up, but showing some of the major players in the killings, as only one man was ever brought to trial, but it shows just how far up it went. The US Army investigated as well, as some of the children who were still young enough to be considered "innocents" were scattered among mormon families and raised there. The families of those were killed, demanded their release and the army spent two years investigating what happened. Although all those responsible were never brought to trial, the truth of what happened would not be fully uncovered for over a hundred years, until a site was to be dug for the memorial site, and bones were uncovered.
This book is truly one that is hard to read, yet hard to put down. You find yourself thinking almost that you are drawn into the story and wishing there was something you could do to go back and change time. Anyone who is a lover of history will enjoy this book, and there are several others out there that complement this book as well. I would suggest reading this one first and then moving on to some of the others and filling in the stories as you go along.